
Talent Onboarding Management System: TOMS was developed as a platform to simplify and streamline the process within the recruitment ecosystem. TOMS features such as JD builder, resume ranking, analytics, reports, and job matches, empower key stakeholders like CHROs, hiring managers, and recruiters to have a rewarding experience while hiring. The system’s built-in intelligence improves the odds of hiring a great candidate and it removes the guesswork from the decision process. The platform enables the candidates to analyze and pick jobs that match their career interests.

  • Apply

    on Career website, Job portals, social media site,
    Toms will make you a smart applicant providing you
    with marketdata about the company, its competition,
    the organization etc.
    You can pick your mode of application- Video, Voice,

  • Match

    Toms will identify the right job for you.
    It will guide you to the right job based on your skillset, interest and aspirations

  • Notification

    Don’t be concerned! Your resume is not going into a
    You will know what is happening to your application
    at every stage in the process.
    You will receive a notification on real-time at every
    step in the process.

  • Interview process

    You are not walking in blind. You will be an informed applicant with full knowledge about the company, it's past and current position in the market place and its competitors.

  • Onboarding

    Win or Loose you will know where you stand after the interview process leaving you with a good experience with the company.

Let’s get started today

Give your hiring process the boost it deserves now.